If you want to show/hide/change components based on types? Look no further. Here is an example that lets choose a type or all others not this type (inverted/negated).
The extension configuration holdes the reference to the Java-bean id and the parameters you define:
<evaluator type="share.evaluation.type" >
Bean Id should be some thing like (replace <java-package>):
<bean id="share.evaluation.type" class="<java-package>.TypeSubComponentEvaluator"/>
The Share java code needs to resolve the parameters, find the current nodeRef and perform a CMIS call to the repository to retrieve the type info.
public boolean evaluate(RequestContext context, Map<String, String> arg1) {
String requestedType = arg1.get("nodetype");
boolean resultSuccess = arg1.get("negate") != null ? false : true;
if (null == requestedType)
return !resultSuccess;
Map<String, String> uriTokens = context.getUriTokens();
String nodeRef = uriTokens.get("nodeRef");
if (nodeRef == null) {
nodeRef = context.getParameter("nodeRef");
try {
final Connector conn = context
.getConnector("alfresco", context.getUserId(),
final Response response = conn.call("/api/node/"
+ nodeRef.replace(":/", ""));
if (response.getStatus().getCode() == Status.STATUS_OK) {
String type = parseReponse(response);
if (requestedType.equals(type))
return resultSuccess;
} else {
return !resultSuccess;
} catch (ConnectorServiceException cse) {
return !resultSuccess;
return !resultSuccess;
private String parseReponse(Response response) {
try {
Document dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
NodeList list = dom.getElementsByTagName("cmis:propertyId");
int len = list.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Element element = (Element) list.item(i);
String propertyName = element
String objectTypeId = null;
if (propertyName.equals("cmis:objectTypeId")) {
objectTypeId = element.getElementsByTagName("cmis:value")
objectTypeId = objectTypeId.replaceAll("F:", "");
if (objectTypeId == null) {
return objectTypeId;
} catch (Exception exc) {
return null;
I use this functionality to hide all comments for types not of a certain type :)